Just a mom...Facing up to PTSD
I was approached today and asked if I would talk about PTSD in caretakers of children with Rare Diseases. Would I mind or was it too personal or too difficult? Immediately, I said 'yes, I would do so' quite willingly even though doing so is a bad trigger and I know ahead that I will have to stop and walk away from this then come back to try and explain some more. Yes, It is very personal, quite personal in fact. And as with all things in my life it is difficult. Yet, here I am typing furiously away and here you are reading. Quite often when one hears the term PTSD one thinks of combat veterans. Well I can't compare myself with that as I've never been in the military. But I am fighting. I am fighting for my son, I am fighting for his childhood. I am fighting so that others after me don't have to feel they way I've felt. My enemy is my son's diagnosis of a rare genetic condition. I will try to make this as general as possible because I think that...