
Showing posts from September, 2014

If you think my hands are full... you should see my heart

September 17, 2014 at 8:59pm This is a 'little Note' for all of our new followers... Hello!! it's me...The POMC Momma..I am a 50+ yr. old raising my super rare son. I have a grown daughter she is 31 and Nate is 6. yes!!... 25 years and 2 days apart. Nate had issues about the time he was 4 weeks old. He did not sleep longer than 3 hours. ever. he screamed in pain almost the whole time he was awake for the first 6 months but we did not get a Dx until he was almost 2. At this time he is the only person in the USA with POMC (pro-opiomelanocortin deficiency disorder -2p23.3) he has a possible second Dx of SIM1 -6q13.3 So this story; this blog is how we were not so elegantly dropped onto a RARE and deserted Island that I named 'POMC Island' I am sure even though our stories are different there will be many things the same. I dived in and searched and researched to find everything I could about this super RARE enemy that I found myself fighting...